The home that you have created is where you should feel most comfortable and a space to relax and kick back in. Life is busy, and so to be able to cope with demands of a hectic schedule you need a safe space that enables you to fully recharge.
You need to know that your home is a safe space for you to relax in, and that means regularly checking fire alarms to ensure that they are working as they are intended to. If you are constantly worrying about what is going on outside of your home, how can you relax? Here are 4 tips to help you get that Zen feeling every time you get home.
Thinks About You – To ease your mind, cater your home to your own personal tastes, while ignoring trends that’ll come and go, so that your home remains evergreen; make your home a safe haven by contacting professionals like Sensory Audio Visual Systems to install some CCTV Birmingham, while under windows plant some spiky foliage that will deter intruders and use gravel on your driveway so you can hear when people walk to your front door.
Plants – Whether you are a country gal or an urban cowboy, plants have an amazing ability to lift mood and create feelings of happiness. You don’t have to be particularly green-fingered to be able to keep houseplants, there are plenty of genera that require little attention and care. Not only will you benefit from having rich foliage and colorful flowers in your home, but the plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and toxins that are prevalent in homes: formaldehyde from vinyl and carpets through to trichloroethylene and benzene found in paints and solvents.
Lights – Lights are a great way of controlling the ambiance of your home. You need to be able to perform some functions such as preparing meals in strong lights, but otherwise, you will benefit from being able to control the intensity of your light source to create an ambient light that is conducive to relaxation. Avoid direct light from the ceilings and introduce a variety of light sources such as floor lamps and table lamps to create soft ambient lighting.
Scents – Scents can elicit moods and emotions. The connection between fragrances and emotion are not just a marketing ploy by the makers of scented candles, rather it is based on scientific fact: our olfactory receptors (where we register odors) is connected to the limbic system which supports our emotions, long–term memory, motivations, and behaviors. In short, scents can trigger our emotions. Choose essential oils to enhance the odor of your home – you can choose calming and balancing oils such as lavender or chamomile, or even invigorating oils such as bergamot or peppermint to refresh and uplift.
Colors – Like scents, colors are a powerful tool for regulating our emotions. The colorway that you choose for your home should provoke feelings of relaxation. You don’t have to banish all strong colors from the home and replace them with neutral colors but focus on the rooms that you relax in – your bedroom and living room. Introduce rugs, blankets, pillows and throws in textures that encourage relaxation and comfort: wools, faux fur, and velvets for winter; silks, linen and cotton for summer.
When you update your home to cater for relaxation, you will find that all aspects of your life improve: you work better, and you play better. The ability to switch off from busy schedules is a necessity for your health and wellbeing, and your home should support you on your journey.