Based on a simple mechanism of symbiosis between trestle and top, the Trestle table collection designed by Omri Revesz and Damian Tatangelo is constructed from two wooden frames locked in place via pivoting pin. A rigid top featuring a bend on edges, cradles the frame, holding it in place under tension.
“The initial idea for the Trestle collection was to create objects/furniture that exist in the present, therefore alive. Rather than fixed parts and joints, we wanted the object to be born only from the relation between its parts. As long as this symbiosis exist the object exists” explain designers. “During the process, we aimed to achieve a straightforward design that would fit contemporary conditions; sustainable in terms of production and maximum flexibility in terms of use and end user.”
The collection includes two sizes of (wooden) structures and three sizes of (metal) tops, to create three typologies of tables: Side board (console), coffee table and a side table.
The console and coffee table tops both utilise the large frame structure of 96 cm long, with top width defining the height. The side table uses a smaller frame structure of 48 cm long, half size of the first. This system of proportions between the collection of tables, allows various frame and top combinations in terms of materials, colours, rodded grid, plates, and finishes.
Trestle will be debuted at the Triennale di Milano starting September 16, 2014.
all images courtesy of REVESZ TATANGELO