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A Complete Guide to Architecture Photography

A Complete Guide to Architecture Photography

Iwan Baan

Architecture is one of the most challenging genres in photography. Photographing a building or any other structure is something anyone can do. The most basic way to get started is simply walking around, looking at buildings, and paying attention to the ones that stand out. 

With a little bit of practice, you’ll be able to become comfortable with architectural photography.

The photographer must understand the general principles of photography and the specific needs of architecture. 

The result is often striking images that reveal a structure’s artistic and architectural qualities.

When shooting architecture photography, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

First is your focal length. The focal length of the lens you are using will make a difference in how the photo appears in the frame.

A wide-angle lens will give you more to the picture. A longer lens will provide you with a closer view of the subject with less to the frame of the view.

What Is The Purpose Of This Type Of Photography?

Architectural photography is an art that is often used to portray buildings to their best advantage. 

It isn’t used to sell a building, but to provide a visual history of the architectural style or a way to show construction progress, or to show a building that has been damaged and is about to be demolished. 

More recently, architectural photography has become more high-tech and sophisticated, as innovative photographers seek new ways to capture the construction and details of buildings in a way that hasn’t been done before.

The art of architectural photography is to look at a building and understand the function of a building. 

The art of architectural photography is to capture the building in such a way that the viewer knows what the building looks like and understands the function and the culture of the structure. 

This is done through the use of photography, composition, lighting, and the use of scale.

However, there are many more facets to photographing architecture which we will go through in this article.

In addition to improving your photographic skills, the following tips aim to communicate the building’s relationship with the context of its surroundings and its relationship with the context of its own time.

Take Pictures in Different Weather Conditions and Times

It’s common for people to take photos of architectural wonders in dramatic light, such as sunset hours when the shadows are long, and the colors are vivid. 

Though this often takes atmospheric photographs, it is only really capturing the building’s atmosphere in a single moment. 

You can see the building in a more accurate light by photographing it at various times of the day, especially in different weather conditions.

 A Complete Guide to Architecture Photography

Make Sure You Have The Right Photography Equipment

Investing in high-quality equipment for architectural photography will pay off big time if you’re serious about getting started. 

Wide-angle lenses are often used for photographing architecture and interior spaces, and you can use them in conjunction with a tripod to allow shooting in low-light conditions. 

Polarizing filters can also enhance your images by adding contrast and color. A drone with a high-quality camera in it is possible, too, if you want something on the next level.

You Should prioritize light Sources

No matter what type of photography you do, good lighting is a priority for every shot. 

Great architectural lighting highlights a space, a specific structure, or an ambiance and impacts how the viewer perceives the architectural project.

Find An Interesting Angle

Being artistic with perspective can also be an advantageous thing to do. 

You may discover another level of appreciation and beauty in a building’s form by finding a different angle from which to photograph it.

Learn The Structure Beforehand

Researching the architecture of an architectural site before your visit is an indispensable resource that will, without a doubt, help you frame your photography within the context of what the building stands for and how it impacts the living environment.

Learn More About The Details Than About The Whole

When it comes to architectural photography, wide angles are usually the smartest move. However, buildings contain hundreds of small details that can be lost when an entire building or facade is seen at once. 

A close look at the details on the building could reveal new things about its construction or its history.

 A Complete Guide to Architecture Photography

The building Shouldn’t Be Viewed As An Object

You might be quite surprised to find a building you’ve only seen in the one, good angle. 

One of the most significant failures in capturing the images of urban architecture is to deconstruct a building to the point that one can only comprehend it from a single perspective. 

It’s not easy, but neither is it impossible to record the structure’s complete spatial environment.

Be Brave And Include People 

As a rule, people are typically not included in architectural photographs since they contaminate their pure, designed beauty. 

There is a new generation of architectural photographers emerging who are bucking the trend. 

It’s hard to imagine architecture without people, so don’t be afraid to include them in your pictures.

Make Use Of Post-processing Tools

It is now a standard part of photography to editing images, allowing you to enhance how you wish to capture your subject. 

Image manipulation should only be performed when you know exactly what kind of changes are acceptable. However, software like Photoshop and Lightroom makes it easy to do lens correction. 

If you don’t like using these editors (they are too challenging, expensive, etc.), then check out other softwares. There are many photo editors with a low-learning curve that can help you fix tilted lines and enhance your architecture shots. To save time, read this guide featuring different ways to get rid of distortions. It suggests PhotoWorks since this program is easy and offers lots of convenient tools. If you don’t have enough time to edit photos then you can outsource professional photo editing from Offshore Clipping Path.

Visit The Building More Than Once

It is possible to reveal new layers to a building by returning to it repeatedly, which causes the structure to acquire a new depth that demonstrates how a building evolved, or maybe degenerated, over time.

A great photograph of a new building is undoubtedly breathtakingly beautiful, but why not get a closer look? 

Maybe the most exciting features of the building emerge only as time passes.

 A Complete Guide to Architecture Photography

Why Architecture Photography?

Our image-obsessed culture has made us consume so much architecture in photos rather than through actual physical experiences. 

Architects and architectural photographers can augment our architectural vocabulary and educate us about buildings that most of us may not get to see in our lifetime. 

When it comes to architecture, one must, however, remain critical of photography’s drawbacks.

Do Different Aged Buildings Require Different Techniques?

Whether ancient or modern, many of the main techniques will be similar.

It usually is best to photograph old architecture in its natural state, with a straightforward and straightforward composition that demonstrates the building’s elegant grace. 

Some background scenery usually helps to contextualize the architecture and give it a more palatable feel.

If you’re shooting modern architecture, you can play with the style in a way that’s much more abstract. 

Photograph the building from uncommon angles, or employ a wide-angle lens to capture extreme perspective. 

Due to modern buildings’ proximity, you can crop them in without making the photograph feel unnatural.


Architecture photography is an exciting and rewarding niche of photography.

This style of photography also includes the capture of interior spaces and objects within the buildings.

In architectural photography, the photographer’s job is to capture the image that the architect or owner wants and the image that the public wants to see.

There is plenty of room to play around and experiment with to make the subject stand out and show its full glory.

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