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How to Virtually Design and Decorate Your New Home

How to Virtually Design and Decorate Your New Home

Everyone dreams of one day buying their dream home and getting the opportunity to design it as a beautiful palace for them and their family.

Now you find yourself in a situation where you have several amazing visions and ideas but aren’t sure which ones fit best with your needs and desires.

Thanks to modern technology, you can build and design your home virtually before buying any cloth, paint, or piece of furniture for a trial run.

There are several things to know about building a virtual house. Here are important factors to consider before and during the process of designing it.

Choose Your Virtual Design Platform

There are several helpful ways that you can fully customize and design your home for free using an app or software.

Each one can provide you with specific things, such as brand name products and specific shades of colors, to help optimize your space. Each will have its strengths and weaknesses, so play around with them.

Here are a few of the highly recommended apps and software that work best for designing a home.


This software can be used by either desktop or mobile and has memory storage space to keep it in if you opt for the app.

SketchUp gives you free rein of designing custom floor plans and specific items that you’d like to install throughout the house.

You’ll be able to sketch up a mean floor layout with the 2D view — and then catch a glimpse at every corner with the 3D version that allows for zooming in and out while rotating around to each side of the room you’re building.


This app helps simplify the process without you even realizing it by guiding you through best practices for virtual design. 

It helps you start by laying the foundation through its 2D demonstrations to optimize the space that you have at your disposal. Once that’s done, it moves you to the 3D version where you can set all the details.

The best part is that you can pick from several furniture pieces to help you envision the room space completely filled up to your liking.

Virtual Worlds

All this room planning and design for the living room is great, but what about your dream bathroom?

Chances are that your dream bathroom is the most specific vision that you have of any other room in your future home. You’ll need a virtual software tool that reflects that — and thanks to Virtual Worlds, that’s entirely possible!

Now you can see your dream washrooms brought to life via augmented reality bathrooms on an AR app with Trading Depot-specific products. Jackpot!

 How to Virtually Design and Decorate Your New Home

Eyes on the Prize

While you’re laying out your dream space on the virtual reality software or app, it can be easy to veer off.

That puts the entire operation at risk of being too far away from your budget requirements or you falling in love with a room that isn’t entirely possible by design.

One of the best practices while designing your virtual home is printing out a few pictures of rooms that you like beforehand to spark your creativity.

These photos will give you a reminder of what you’re ultimately going for so you can look for and try out products similar to that vision.

It can get overwhelming to pick among several thousands of options, so give yourself a few ideas to start with and then see where those take you. Odds are you’re going to love what you come up with.

Gather the Research

You’ve undoubtedly come across a scenario where you were visiting a friend or family member’s house and fell in love with a certain room they designed.

Rather than envy them for the rest of your life, ask them what sparked their inspiration for that room. Their answer may surprise you and give you some ideas you didn’t have before.

Everyone has a trendy friend or two they look up to for fashion and design advice. Use those connections in your network as much as possible during this time.

If you don’t keep up with the latest and greatest in home design, then ask your friend who watches HGTV every day to throw a few ideas your way.

Those types of friends live for these moments and are always willing to lend a hand to your design.

Let them shower you with their overwhelming home design knowledge!

Have Creative Outlets on Standby

As you design your new virtual home, you will undoubtedly hit a moment called “designer’s block.”

It will feel impossible to come up with an idea that wraps the rest of the room together.

This is when it’s beneficial to have a few creative outlets ready for “quick answers” to spark your interest again.

You can use creative apps such as Pinterest to scroll through room-specific ideas and see what fits best with the theme you’ve started. That’s sure to get you hopping in the right direction.

If you’re looking for something with more explanation, there’s no shame in turning on HGTV and taking a look at the rooms they design. You’re guaranteed to come back with more than one idea to integrate into your virtual design!

Start Building a Virtual House Today!

Now that you’ve seen the thought process and technique to building a virtual house, you should get the process going for your dream home ASAP!

Best of luck with this exciting endeavor — one day soon you’ll witness your creativity come to life in your new home.

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