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Mattresses Old Versus New

Mattresses Old Versus New

cottonbro from Pexels

Sleep is so precious and important to us and a good nights’ sleep really enhances our life. Do you always know when your mattress has reached its sell by date? Maybe you’re starting to feel achy and you have no explanation as to why. Signs may point to needing a new one for extra comfort and support.

As with most things in life, a mattress does have an expiry date. It may not be obvious, but sleeping on an old mattress can exacerbate a multitude of health issues, here’s how.

Expiration Date Can Disrupt Sleep

Your mattress comes with an expiry date of around 5 to 7 years although it may not be printed on the packaging in bold. It isn’t a number that’s just pulled from thin air and should really be taken seriously. The age of the mattress can simply be found on a tag attached to the mattress, which should also detail the manufacturer and model of the mattress. Wear and tear, like snags and torn materials can also have a significant impact on its lifespan and to your body overall, which will subsequently interrupt your regular sleeping pattern. Thus, if your mattress is unable to support you, you may find your body is unsupported whilst changing sleeping positions and trying to fall asleep as usual.

 Mattresses Old Versus New

Hygiene Issues

A lack of sleep can really affect mental health and concentration levels, which is why it’s vital to pay close attention to the quality of the mattress that you’re sleeping on. You may be unwilling to replace your mattress, however there are more ways than one that it can cause effects to your health. Most people try and keep their mattress fresh and clean, but it’s only normal that a mattress will become ridden with dust, germs and other bacteria over time. The longer you have your mattress, the more it is prone to becoming more and more unhygienic. We lose around 200mls of sweat each night, which end up in your mattress. Sweat can lead to mould in a mattress, then spores, which subsequently makes way for fungi and bacteria. Likewise, dead skin cells can also attract dust mites and other bed bugs, which can completely swamp your mattress, leaving you with itchiness.

Aching Joints and Pressure Points

Your mattress should have the ability to support your pressure points, which are usually your shoulders and hips. If your mattress is out-of-date and indented, your body will be unable to rest properly, especially if your sleeping position doesn’t fully support your natural spinal alignment. These aches and pains can then result in permanent damage to your body, including bad posture, which can worsen over time. If you’ve checked the date on your mattress and it’s time to opt for a new one, be sure to know what type of mattress you’re after. There’s an abundance of different mattresses that will be different for everyone. For example, for those with allergies, the hypoallergenic mattress could be a great fit, whilst someone with a bad back should opt for an orthopaedic mattress. Memory foam mattresses offer a great solution and with so many varieties available there is bound to be one that suits you. Hybrid mattresses use a combination of memory foam and pocket springs to give ultimate comfort and support. It’s so important to get the support and luxury you deserve to feel energised and revitalised for the day ahead.