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5 Easy Security Tips for Small Businesses

Businessman hand pressing down password number on electronic access control machine

Running a small business is a challenge. You need to maintain a healthy cash flow, keep your employees happy, and make your products interesting – but that’s barely even scratching the surface. In reality, there are hundreds of boxes that small business owners need to tick. 

One of the most important factors when running a small business is security. Even if you’re a small office in an empty town, that doesn’t automatically mean that your business is immune to threats – in fact, it means the exact opposite. 

Small businesses are often targeted by criminals because they see them as an easy smash-and-grab. It’s a harsh but undeniable truth. 

Therefore, you need to be at the very top of your game to keep your business safe and secure. If you want to learn how you can do this, keep reading to learn five easy and low-cost security tips that will transform your business. 

1. Install a Video Security System 

Up first is an obvious (yet highly effective) strategy: install a video security system. 

Security cameras have been around for decades in the business world. However, over recent years, technology has started to advance at an exciting rate. Now, you can install a video security system with a boatload of features, such as:

  • 24/7 video recording
  • Live video feeds
  • Doorbell cameras

These features are feared by criminals around the world, as they make life so much harder for them. This is why more and more small businesses are installing video security systems on their sights – it’s a smart strategy. 

To discover your security system needs and receive a tailor-made solution, visit https://www.watchmenkc.com/services/video-security-system-in-kansas/. 

2. Use smart locks and automatic door systems

The days of the traditional lock and key are coming to an end. Now, businesses (and homes) are beginning to use smart locks and automatic door systems. The reason for this is that it makes it harder for criminals to gain access to their buildings. Plus, it’s a more modern way of operating and allows employees to enter buildings in the morning with minimal fuss or effort. 

 Male hand using key card to open smart door lock for security system

3. Be careful who you hire

In the current day and age, a lot of criminal business activity takes place in-house. Yep, that’s right: employees themselves are engaging in criminal activities, from stealing customer credit card details to taking money straight out of the tills. 

This is why the hiring process is so critical. You must vet your employees thoroughly; otherwise, you’ll risk hiring someone who is a danger to your business. 

Here are some tips to improve your vetting process:

  • Conduct skill assessment tests 
  • Check candidate social media profiles
  • Work with a recruitment agency 
  • Do a detailed Google search to uncover potential news articles 
  • Ask challenging and thought-provoking questions

Doing all of this will help to ensure that you only hire the very best employees. Then, you will no longer have to worry about the prospect of in-house threats. Instead, you will be able to focus on external threats. 

4. Train your employees to spot suspicious activity 

When it comes to security, your employees are great tools for preventing problems. This is why they must be trained to spot suspicious activity. 

For example, lots of small businesses are often sent phishing emails. These emails contain viruses that (if they are clicked on) can wreak havoc. Therefore, you should train your employees to spot phishing attempts and report them as soon as possible. 

Additionally, employees should be trained in how to identify criminal activity on employee accounts. This could involve a lot of variants, such as a customer changing their bank details every couple of months. 

5. Frequently change your passwords

No matter how many employees you have, it’s important that employees are instructed to change their passwords every couple of months. This will drastically reduce the chances of any accounts being hacked. 

Also, employees should be given strict guidelines surrounding how they create their passwords. Here are some tips for stronger employee passwords:

  • Make passwords long – not short
  • Include numbers and symbols, especially during the middle 
  • Include at least one uppercase letter
  • Don’t use personal information, such as the name of the city you’re from 
  • Use a password in a different language

Also, it’s worth recommending that you use a password manager. Many businesses are now using enterprise password manager as an extra security blanket. In simple terms, a password manager is a smart computer program that enables businesses to store, generate, and manage their passwords in one place. If you have a significant number of employees, it’s highly recommended that you use a password manager.

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