Nestled in the vibrant heart of Brooklyn, New York, this unique Italian restaurant finds its home in a charmingly repurposed pasta factory and grocery store. The restaurant’s captivating design is a harmonious fusion of diverse influences, colors, and textures, drawing inspiration from the avant-garde designs of Memphis Milano and the lively palette of the Amalfi Coast. Created by the renowned Format Architecture Office, this architectural studio has masterfully crafted a space that seamlessly blends history, art, and culinary excellence.
The talented chefs, Paul D’Avino and Jorge Olarte, had a clear vision for this establishment – to create a dining experience that pays homage to the traditional Italian trattoria while adding their own creative twist. They wanted to strike a perfect balance between the familiar and the unexpected.
As you step inside, you’ll be greeted by a slender oak clad bar that acts as the centerpiece, drawing you further into the restaurant. This bar not only adds a touch of elegance but also serves as a clever divider, separating the cooking and dining areas.
If you take a closer look, you’ll notice arched portals within the bar, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the all-electric kitchen. On the opposite wall, a row of cozy booths awaits, perfectly aligned with backlit niches that provide a peek into the building’s rich history as a pasta factory and grocery store.
Venturing beyond the rear archway, you’ll discover a hidden gem – a private group dining area adorned with a continuous blue bench and exposed brick walls. These elements add a touch of texture and character to the space, creating a cozy and intimate atmosphere for special gatherings.
In this extraordinary restaurant, every detail has been carefully considered to create a truly memorable dining experience. From the eclectic design to the innovative culinary creations, this is a place where tradition meets innovation, and where every bite tells a story.