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Everything You Need to Know About Purchasing a Home Warranty

Everything You Need to Know About Purchasing a Home Warranty

Home is one place where we can truly feel safe and comfortable. We have many appliances and other items of need set in our house, like water heaters, kitchen appliances, and air conditioners. Most of those things require maintenance every now and then. When they are broken, it affects our quality of life and makes many things difficult for us.

One shouldn’t have to think twice when it comes to maintaining personal residence. That said, it can be costly and time-consuming to repair so many appliances. A home warranty is an easy way to ensure everything works properly without any hassle. Here is everything you need to know about purchasing a home warranty.  

Why Home Warranty is Important?

Most people buy a home warranty to save time and money. The maintenance of an appliance is no longer your responsibility when you buy coverage. You don’t need to have phone numbers of so many professionals who will come at their will and charge you a big fee to repair the issue or to just tell you that it’s time to replace the appliance. With a home warranty, you only need to call the company and they will have a professional at your doorstep. Repair or replace, it’s at the expense of the company. You pay an annual premium that, depending on the coverage, ranges from $300 to $600.

What does it cover?

Most companies offer a number of home warranty plans that fit your budget and requirements. A cheaper home warranty plan will, of course, have limited coverage, and you might be required to pay extra on every visit. 

Typically, a home warranty covers the following issues.

  • Heating System/Furnace
  • Air Conditioner
  • Electrical Systems
  • All Sorts of Plumbing Issues
  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Washer and Dryer
  • Refrigerator
  • Ductwork
  • Cooking Range and Oven
  • Garage Door Systems

 Everything You Need to Know About Purchasing a Home Warranty

What it doesn’t cover?

Though there is nothing that can’t be covered by a warranty or insurance today, there are limitations to home warranty. If you need coverage for something, make sure you particularly ask for it. 

Here are a few things that, typically, aren’t covered by a home warranty plan.

  • Pool and Spa
  • Haul-Aways
  • Faucets
  • Outdoor Items
  • Item Broken Before Coverage

How does it work?

All you have to do is call the representative of the company on the phone number provided to you, and the company will do the rest. After all, the entire goal of a home warranty is to save time and money. If you want to understand the process, here is what they do. 

  1. When you call the company for an issue, they call one of their partner professionals or an employee.
  2. The professional will then call you to take the time when you are available at home. He will come at the decided time to fix the issue. 
  3. Whether it was repair or replacement, depending on the plan, the company will bear the cost. You may be required to pay a visit fee of about $75 to $100.

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