Samsung has recently unveiled one of its biggest Galaxy Showcase in Harajuku, Tokyo, featuring a digital facade conceived by Japanese designer Tokujin Yoshioka. The “Galaxy Harajuku” is the brand’s very first permanent Showcase opened in Japan and features an architectural facade made up of 1000 smartphones that work together to light up the monolithic structure. Orchestrated by what appears to be a series of rotating shelves they work together to create an ever-changing play of light. The hundreds of Galaxy smartphones which make up the storefront are said to express Samsung’s ‘vision for the future’.
The store opening coincides with the Galaxy smartphone’s tenth anniversary. Occupying six floors of a modern building alongside bustling Meiji Dori, the retail space, designed by Shigeru Kubota, offers young shoppers a lifestyle experience by way of technology, entertainment, and last but certainly not least, heaps of Galaxy merchandise.
Upon entering, shoppers encounter a welcome counter and an event space with a large LED screen, set in a double-height space, and it’s here where Galaxy‘s latest smartphones are put on display. One floor up, a café can be found where to sit back and relax over coffee and sweet bites. The third floor presents an interactive exhibition corner that explores the history of Galaxy products, presents brand-related stories, but also puts the brand’s activities in the spotlight as global partner of Tokyo‘s hotly anticipated 2020 Summer Olympics.