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Sleep Better: The Ultimate Guide  for Sleep-Deprived Teens 

Sleep Better: The Ultimate Guide  for Sleep-Deprived Teens 

Eren Li from Pexels

Eight to 10 hours of restful sleep is essential for teens to stay healthy. However, getting quality sleep is often a concern for many teens. 

“Teen sleep deprivation is a growing public health issue because most young adults simply aren’t getting enough sleep,” says Ellen Selkie, M.D., an adolescent medicine physician at Mott. “We sometimes focus on sleep quality for young children but forget that adolescents’ brains and bodies are still developing, too.”

Sleep deprivation can be a serious threat not only to health but also to safety and academic success. Various studies have shown that sleep-deprived teens have poor grades due to inability to focus and at risk of drowsy-driving incidents, anxiety and depression. 

Instead of arguing with your teen about bedtime, you can try to discuss the problem and come up with some suggestions on how to get a night of long, restful sleep.

Screen Off an Hour Before Bedtime

Staying up late scrolling through social media on a mobile phone is one of the most common reasons for sleep deprivation in teens. Numerous studies claimed that the blue light emitting from electronic devices can mess up our body’s ability to sleep by blocking melatonin, a hormone that causes sleepiness. 

Follow Regular Sleep Schedule

Encourage your teens to go to bed within an hour of their normal sleeping hours. Sleeping late than normal, especially during the weekend, can disrupt their circadian rhythm, making it more difficult to switch back to a normal sleeping routine. 

 Sleep Better: The Ultimate Guide  for Sleep-Deprived Teens 

Limit Caffeine Consumption

Consuming caffeinated drinks can disrupt the normal times of your body clock. Discourage drinking energy drinks, especially after lunchtime since they have a higher level of caffeine than coffee or tea.

Exercise to Sleep Better

Regular exercise does not only keep you healthy, but it also helps improve sleep quality. Teens should engage in at least 60 minutes of daily exercise, such as brisk walking or running.

Consider Melatonin

Teenagers live in a completely different time zone than most older adults. It is common for teens to stay awake not until 11 PM or midnight. Taking over-the-counter natural melatonin gummy supplement an hour or more before bedtime. While there are no significant long-term side effects, melatonin should never be taken with prescription medication as it can cause grogginess.

Get Chiropractic Care 

Chiropractors may not be sleep experts but they can help people sleep better. Regular chiropractic adjustments help keep the neck aligned and ensure the patient gets a sufficient amount of oxygen while sleeping, as well as reduce your risk of developing sleep apnea. Regular trips to, say, an Oshawa chiropractor can also help decrease cortisol, the body’s stress hormone. 

 Sleep Better: The Ultimate Guide  for Sleep-Deprived Teens 

Ditch Old Mattress 

Sleeping on an old, saggy mattress can prevent a person from getting a good night’s sleep.  Dust mites and other allergens accumulating in old mattresses can trigger allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. If the mattress is more than 5 years, make sure to buy a new one in a trusted mattress sale in Hamilton or nearby areas. 

Discourage Afternoon Naps

Although an afternoon nap helps boost memory and relieve stress, it can disrupt one’s nightly sleep routine. If your teen finds it hard to sleep at night, discourage them to take afternoon naps to help them sleep at night easier. 

Set a Good Example

As role models, parents need to set up good sleep habits for their teens. Staying up late at night watching television or pulling an all-nighter for work can send the wrong message. Make sure to show your children that having a healthy sleep routine is a part of living a healthy lifestyle. 

Check with a massage Waterloo therapist and ask what you can do to help you sleep better. They will help you open up if there is anything you are worried about.