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Summer Holiday Ideas for the UK  

Summer Holiday Ideas for the UK  

Being stuck at home can be boring and frustrating. The UK is in lockdown and you shouldn’t be travelling right now. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t think about future trips. You can use this time as a fun opportunity to get planning your ideal summer holiday. There truly are some beautiful spots in the UK for you to discover. 


If you fancy a city break with a twist, then Brighton is the place for you. It has a wonderful waterfront and the city is packed with culture. Spend a day enjoying the sights, and then throw yourself into the party scene for the evening. What’s not to love? It’s only an hour away from London, with plenty of train times and connections.

 Summer Holiday Ideas for the UK  

Lake District 

The Lake District is one of the most gorgeous spots in the country. With its rambling countryside, majestic mountains, and cosy markets towns – it is so quintessentially British. There is so much to see and do in the Lake District. From hiking and sailing to a gentle stroll or a pub lunch – you can make just the right kind of holiday for you. 


If you fancy a seaside spot, Cornwall boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the country. You can catch some waves surfing, or simply take a stroll along the sand with an ice-cream. Speaking of food, Cornish pasty anyone? When you have a holiday in Cornwall, it’s like a postcard has come to life right in front of you. Of course, with so much coast to explore in the UK, you are spoilt for choice with idyllic beach spots.

Summer Holiday Ideas for the UK  

Scottish Highlands

If you fancy heading further north, why not visit the Scottish Highlands? It is home to some spectacular walks which give you a chance to truly embrace nature. Plus, if you’re a whiskey lover it’s an absolute must to explore this region. You can go on a hike and reward yourself with a much-needed tipple at the end of the day. The Scottish Highlands are full of wildlife, whiskey, and whimsy – once your first visit is done, you’ll find yourself planning the next. 

Even though you can’t travel right now, it doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck indoors forever. It can fun to while away some hours picking some summer spots for when the all-clear is given. Where in the UK would you like to visit the most?

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