When you are living in a place, you might feel like if you can afford the rent is the only concern. However, this is just one of the many obstacles you may face. Imagine also that you have to think about needing to accommodate your support animal. You may have wondered if the landlord can deny your pet and what are the details about having a pet in a rented house. In the following article, we will explore the in’s and out’s of this issue.
Support animals can also be referred to as ESA’s – Emotional Support Animals. This is actually the legal way that they are referenced. The animals are considered medical necessities and not pets. You will need to have a letter from a medical health professional certifying that you need your ESA. This will show that you qualify under the Fair Housing Act. Additionally, the landlord is not allowed to charge you any pet-related expenses for the animal, such as a pet deposit.
However, as you know, we do not live in a perfect world. Your potential landlord could ignore the law or just turn you aside anyways. The Americans with Disabilities Act states that people with disabilities are allowed to have their service animals. This even applies in situations where pets are not normally allowed. If you have all your documentation, I suggest that you sit down and have a candid conversation with the landlord.
Most landlords are not going to respond to legal threats. While we might all want to marade the law, if you’ve been living for any time in the real world, you would know that we don’t always get our wishes. Most of us don’t have the time or money to go to court. If you can explain to the landlord how much your ESA means to you, then this is one step in the right direction. You can also point out the law in the ADA. Some people simply don’t know the law, so it’s easy enough to just educate a landlord.
You can also let your potential landlord know the special training that your dog underwent. This will help the landlord to understand that the dog will not keep people up barking or behave selfishly. Most people who have pets know they can be unpredictable and inconsiderate of others. However, an ESA is a special set of animals who live to serve. They have the job to keep you calm and let you know if there is danger. You can explain how you treat your dog too- that you have to behave especially towards the dog in order to ensure that it is able to do the job.
You may have a few landlords that turn you away, but if you approach the situation with maturity, it is likely that you will find your perfect fit. Remember you want to feel comfortable with your pet in your new dwelling, so strong-arming a stubborn landlord might end you up in a situation that is tenser. If you really want the place but the landlord is hesitant, you can also offer references from your last places so that the landlord will feel more at ease.