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9 Things You Should Do Before Moving to a New City

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RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Moving to a new city is exciting, but it’s also time-consuming and expensive. Whether you’re moving within the same state or across country boundaries, there are some important steps that you need to take before you start packing up your life into boxes. Figure out what needs to be done in advance so you can save yourself some headaches later on. Here are ten things that should be checked off your list before you make any plans for the future. Our Boston to New York movers has put together 9 tips for you on how to prepare for moving to another city.

1. Determine Your Housing Needs

Do you want to rent an apartment, get a house or condo? Do you need something near downtown where you work or are there parks and restaurants in the neighborhood that will be more important to you? Do you want access to public transportation or do you have your own car? Will there be room for guests on occasion, even if it’s just one person? How many bedrooms will be appropriate for your needs? When shopping around for apartments, condos or houses, write down how much of each amenity is essential for your future home. You can use these lists when narrowing down potential rental units.

2. Find Jobs That Suit Your Schedule

While it’s not necessary to find a job before call moving company and move to a new city, it’s certainly something that you’ll want to sort out before starting your life somewhere. If you’re studying to get a degree in a specific field, then finding work within that industry could be very important. In any case, write down how much money you need per year and the experience level required for potential jobs.

3. Locate Essential Services Like Grocery Stores

What type of food will you want to have delivered to your door? What about groceries – what’s available near where you’ll be living? How much time will you have for grocery shopping every week or month? Do certain stores accept food stamps or do you plan on buying healthy options with your own cash? Is there going to be a store big enough to stock all of your needs? Where is the nearest gas station located and how much will it cost you to fill up a tank? You’ll also want to check that there’s a car mechanic within easy reach for repairs.

4. Find Out About Schools, Parks and Other Family-Oriented Amenities

Where will you be going on vacation with your family next year? Where are the closest playgrounds so you can take your kids outside to play after work or school? What about daycare centers – where are they and how far away from home would they need to be so that their parents could pick them up after work or classes? Would your children attend public or private schools? How difficult is it to get into these schools and what are their grading systems?

Mover loads a sofa on the van

5. What Type of Religion and Culture Will You Encounter?

What kind of religious facilities do you need to attend regularly? Is there a temple or a church where you can attend services every week or month? Or a mosque nearby where you can perform the daily prayer times? What type of clothing should be worn in these places? Are there any dietary restrictions that will need to be observed when eating at friends’ houses, in restaurants or when shopping for groceries? What about cultural events unique to your city – are there museums unique to your culture (Spanish, Russian, Native American) that people in the area enjoy attending on the weekends or monthly? It would also be wise to find out if English is commonly spoken in this city. Ask yourself – will I fit in with the other people who live here?

6. What are The Entertainment Options Available to Me?

What types of movies are being made in this city? Are there theaters near where I’ll be living that will show all of the latest big-budget Hollywood films, independent art house cinema or foreign film releases? What about concerts – what large venues will play top 40 music every month or different cultural dance festivals unique to this area? Do these events take place during certain times of year (spring, summer, fall, winter)? If you’re thinking about moving somewhere for work purposes but want your weekends free to travel around the country then knowing the answer to these questions is especially important.

7. How Far Away Is Your Favorite Place to Visit and Who Can You Visit There?

Do the people you love live nearby or thousands of miles away? What is your favorite vacation spot? How long will it take you to get there by plane, train, boat or automobile (or some combination thereof)? Do the people who live near you also enjoy visiting that same place or do they prefer other destinations for weekend trips? If your family lives nearby then finding out where they like to visit and how often could be very important. If you’re not so concerned about seeing family members as frequently, however, this may not be as crucial a question to find the answer to.8. How Long Is the Work Week and When Are the Local Paydays?

Are most people working 37 1/2 hours per week Monday through Friday? Or are they working 40 hours per week Monday through Thursday and a scant 32 hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday because the local shop has to close at 7 pm sharp every evening? What days do most people get paid?

8. How Much Will I Be Able to Save By Living in This City and Are the Local People Saving as Well?

Will you be able to save as much money as you would living in another city because of the lower cost of living here or will you end up spending more money because everything seems so cheap that it’s easy to overspend? Is everyone around you saving their hard-earned cash or is consumerism running rampant among your neighbors and friends who haven’t yet realized that saving for a rainy day is the most important financial lesson that anyone can learn?

9. What Type of Commute Can I Expect?

Are you moving to a city where half of all commuters are stuck in rush hour traffic jams for more than 90 minutes each day on their way to work or will they be able to get home from the office within 35 minutes of leaving the office building every evening at 5 pm? Is there public transportation or will you need your own vehicle to get around town? Would motorcycling, walking, riding a bicycle or taking a hybrid car reduce commute times even further if distances between different parts of town are too vast for me to walk or pedal my bike on a daily basis? If you’re entering into a long-distance relationship then the answers to these questions are especially important.

Do you have any other questions that you would add to this list? Where do you think I should move in the future and why? Please leave a comment below.

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