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Amazing Grass-Free Ideas for Small Garden Spaces

Grass-free garden seen from a round opening in the wall

The average person in the US spends around ninety per cent of their time indoors, missing out on the plentiful bounties of nature. Did you know that spending just ten minutes in a natural setting can significantly lower levels of stress hormone, cortisol, as well as enhance your mood, focus, and ability to simply ‘be in the present moment’? You don’t have to head to the Grand Canyon or Yosemite park to experience the wonder of nature. Even if you have a small yard and you don’t wish to grow grass, you can transform it into a haven of wonder by including a few of the following features in your design.

Combining Artificial Turf with Natural Elements

If you live in a small apartment and you have a small patio and yard or terrace, you don’t need to worry about planting, maintaining, and watering grass. Designing an artificial turf garden does not mean missing out on the benefits of nature. You can additionally bring in live elements such as plants and flowers in beautiful pots bearing vivid hues and fascinating shapes. If you want to grow a few vegetables such as chili, herbs, or tomatoes, you can use hanging baskets, boxes, planters, and vertical gardens created with wood pallets to save space. When making your choice of plants, pick items with different fragrances. Herbs like basil and thyme can add an earthy smell to your garden, while flowers such as roses, lavender, and pink plumeria are as easy to grow as they are fragrant. There are certain procedures you have to follow to preserve the appearance and make the grass last for a long time. If you are planning to install artificial grass in cathedral city, CA, on your own, here are 12 common mistakes you should avoid.

Replacing Grass with Hardscape

A small space can be embellished with a stylish fire pit and chair setting, ensconced beneath a wood-framed teak roof. To avoid having to water such a small space, let colorful or mosaic tile flooring occupy the majority of the available space. Frame this rectangular, square, or round area with plants of all shapes and colors. Include natural elements such as rocks and pebbles to lend a wild look to your space.

 Minimalist grass-free garden

Adding Playful Elements to Your Garden

The center stage of your small garden can feature an interactive element such as a bocce ball court or life-sized chess board. Once again, frame this play area with shrubs, flowers, and plants. Cut the latter into round and square shapes and combine them with wilder plants that grow at various heights for the perfect blend between ‘manicured’ and ‘boho chic’ vibes. Up the fun factor on your patio by including a pool table, table soccer game, or pinball machine.

Embracing the Sound of Flowing Water

Whether you opt for a hard floor, a wooden deck, or artificial turf, you can boost the sensation of being in a natural garden with a beautifully designed water fountain. The sound of flowing water has a calming effect on the psyche and it adds to the sensory magic of being outdoors. There are dazzling ideas to explore, including layered fountains and bowl-shaped ceramic fountains perched upon black granite bases. Combined with beautiful paving and lush, leafy and flowering plants, a water fountain is a must-have feature for any garden whose main focus comprises mental health and wellness.

Spending time outdoors benefits your physical and mental health, even if you can afford just a few minutes per day for this purpose. You don’t need grass to have a beautiful home garden. Features such as turf, tiling, pebble stone/gravel paths, and interactive/fun elements can all take the place of traditional grass. To harness the benefits of nature, make sure to incorporate natural elements into your design, relying on a combination of plants and flowers to turn your garden into your private oasis.

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