Harry Nuriev, founder of Crosby Studios, brings to life his childhood dream space. Tucked in a small, tree-lined backyard this ground floor open studio apartment captures the true meaning of a hidden city getaway.
Nuriev has the idea to make this his first space available for rent for meetings, short stays, or events allowing people to experience his design language in a new way. Nuriev separated the 57 square meter Moscow space into two zones: the first being the main zone containing the bedroom and living room.
He built out a section of the right side of the space for the second zone, designating it for the utilities – kitchen, laundry, wardrobe, and bathroom. The walls of the utility zone are not attached to the ceiling, giving it a sculpture feel as if it was a shop inside a shop.
Concrete is the main material, allowing rawness and sophistication to prevail while effortless supporting the blue color. Broken tiles cover the utility wall in a unique and classic Russian print called Gzhel – from Nuriev’s heritage and childhood. Crosby Studios signature blue color is seen throughout the space.