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How To Travel Smart: 6 Top Tips

How To Travel Smart: 6 Top Tips

Anna Shvets from Pexels |Anna Shvets from Pexels

Travelling can be fun, or it can be stressful. The distinction is entirely up to you, your planning skills and your mindset. Whether you’re going on the road for a business trip or a vacation, there are always going to be a few important things you’ll need to do in order to make things manageable and keep everything running smoothly. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind for any type of trip, if you want to be a smart traveller.

Pack Well Your Stuff

No matter what new experiences await you on your travels, there is one constant thing – you will need to bring your belongings with you. And while any old suitcase might do the trick, why not invest in a high-quality piece of luggage that will make packing and unpacking a breeze? There are plenty of affordable hard shell suitcases that are both durable, and light and also come in a variety of sizes to fit any need. With so many options on the market, there is sure to be a perfect match for your next adventure. So before you start planning your itinerary, be sure to pick up a quality hard shell suitcase – it will make all the difference on your journey.

Take Your Tech

There’s no worse feeling than crawling onto your hotel bed after a long day of flights, busses and cleaning up various travel disasters, only to find your phone battery on 4% and your charger nowhere to be seen.

Having a checklist of important tech that you’ll need on your journey will help you not only to pack it but to make sure you remember to bring it home. Think smartphone, laptop and watch chargers, portable power for long drives, cameras and extra batteries, and anything else you know you’re going to need.

Keep Docs Up To Date

If you travel regularly (or even if you don’t) it’s always a good idea to make sure that your documents are always up to date and on hand. If you know you have an international trip coming up, check up on your passport and plan for Visas ahead of time to avoid running into trouble.

You should create a folder where you can store important documents like these in your home so that you’ll always know where to find them. Keeping both physical and digital copies is always helpful, and make sure to keep your hard copies in a safe place where they can’t be lost or stolen.

If you’re road-tripping or travelling locally, you’ll want to make sure that your drivers permit and ID documentation is always up to date and on your person too. If you’re driving across borders, you’ll need a valid international driving license. An international driver’s permit (IDP) allows you to confidently hit the open road, knowing that you’re prepared for any eventuality.

Remember to Research

No matter the reason for your trip, doing a little research beforehand is always a smart move. Find out as much as you can about the country or city you’ll be travelling to so that you know what to expect and aren’t met with any unpleasant surprises.

If you’re travelling for a holiday, doing some Googling beforehand will help you to plan your trip to maximise on fun. Check out the best places for accommodation, tourist sites to visit, beaches, clubs and restaurants you want to check out, and any other activities nearby that you’d like to squeeze in. Arriving at your destination with no plan is a sure-fire way to miss out on great opportunities.

A bonus tip for your research is to spend a bit of time learning some of the local language if you can. At least make sure you can understand basic words and phrases in case you find yourself in need of help.

 How To Travel Smart: 6 Top Tips

Budget Like A Banker

We all know that leaving town is going to entail some splurging. No matter how you spin it, there are going to be travel costs, accommodation costs, and you’re most likely going to be eating out more than you would at home. This is perfectly normal and all part of the fun!

However, planning your travel budget ahead of time will help you to stay within your means and not go absolutely crazy on your trip. Set a budget for each factor of your trip (accommodation, food, activities, etc) before you set off and try your best to stay within those numbers. Knowing what you can afford beforehand will help you to make better spending decisions. 

Anticipate Apathy

Long hours on the road, an airplane, or sitting around in a hotel room waiting for meetings and appointments is enough to make anyone yawn. If you expect long hours of apathy and nothingness on your trip, make sure that you’re prepared for it!

Thanks to the wonderful world of technology, we’re currently well-equipped to keep ourselves entertained for hours on end no matter where we might be. We recommend downloading an audiobook to listen to, a few podcast episodes, or even using the download feature on your Netflix app so you can catch up on a few episodes of the show you’re watching. 

Especially when you’re travelling alone or for business, it’s easy to find yourself with hours to kill and nowhere to go – try to make sure you’re prepared so you don’t accidentally nap before your important meeting. 

Hold Onto Your Health

When we travel, it becomes so easy to forget about our health and fitness goals. You’re in a whole other world, your routine is left behind and you don’t have access to your usual means of taking care of yourself. 

However, your body can’t tell the difference between being at home and being on holiday, and it will still feel the effects of being neglected. It’s important to relax a little on holiday not be too restrictive, but it’s also not a good idea to forget your healthy habits entirely.

It’s totally cool to have a few drinks, some ice cream and perhaps eat a whole lot more in general when you’re on holiday. You’re meant to enjoy it! However, making sure to include lots of fruits and vegetables and getting in adequate amounts of water and protein is a good way to maintain a healthy balance on your trip. 

When it comes to exercise, you should put pressure on yourself to be working out every day while you’re away. This can be difficult to manage and take over some of your relaxation time. However, simply making the effort to walk more than you drive, and including some active outdoor activities in your itinerary will keep things moving. 

The Takeaway

Travelling smart and having a good trip all comes down to one major factor: planning! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail, and this can be applied to most areas of life. Make sure to plan your packing, your budget and your itinerary for your trip and you should be ready for a journey without any hiccups. 

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