Nestled in the heart of Nan’ao Subdistrict, the enchanting Miyue Blue and White Island Pool Homestay is a masterpiece crafted by the talented Chinese interior studio, GS Design. Inspired by the beauty of nature, this stunning retreat seamlessly blends with its surroundings, offering a tranquil oasis near the bustling city of Shenzhen, China.
Distinguish the characteristics of other homestays, the design of the overall function of the full thought. The main body of the building starts with visual thinking, a multi-dimensional window-opening way, making the natural landscape become part of the interior. The material selection of the public dining area based on natural bamboo and wood. The black bamboo bar adds a sedate and mysterious foreign tone.
The cliffside hotel’s five-story building boasts a stunning exterior with arched windows that seamlessly blend the natural landscape into the design. The upper three floors offer balconies and terrace pool areas, perfect for soaking up the breathtaking views. Inside, the Shenzhen-based studio opted for a white base tone to create a striking contrast against the deep blues of the sea and sky.
“Elegant vacation is the core idea of this space,” explained GS Design. “The whole building takes pure white as the basic tone, combined with blue sea and sky, expressed the relaxation of the exotic vacation, as if people immersed in nature.”
The hotel’s entrance can be found on the third floor, along with a public restaurant. Inside, the hotel boasts a natural-inspired design, with a bamboo ceiling painted in white and wooden furniture. To add an air of mystery, the bar has been clad in black bamboo by GS Design.
In addition to the restaurant and bar, the hotel offers other public spaces for guests to enjoy. There is a water bar, a reading recreation area, and a conference room. GS Design has also created 25 unique guest rooms, spread across all floors. Each room offers a different view, framed by windows of various shapes.
One particular room stands out with its cave-like pool. This pool extends from the inside of the room to the outside, creating a seamless connection with nature. The polished rugged surface of the cave provides privacy for the guests, while still allowing them to enjoy the outdoor surroundings.
“The natural scenery corresponding to different caves and pools has become the core of space,” said GS Design. “Through the visual, tactile, auditory sensory experience , we create a more delicate appropriate sense of vacation for travellers.”
The studio explained that the triangular and slanted design of the upper attic rooms was specifically created to cater to families with children. The unique window framing also adds a touch of nostalgia, reminiscent of childhood corners. This design concept was inspired by a survey that revealed a significant demand for parent-child serviced rooms in urban hotels.