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Safe And Sound – 5 Ways To Ensure Your Airbnb Property Is Secure

Safe And Sound - 5 Ways To Ensure Your Airbnb Property Is Secure

The beauty of Airbnb is that you can have a semi-passive income. It becomes counterproductive when you have to worry about security-related issues on the property and ensuring you have control over who can access your units. Security is an issue, not only in terms of safeguarding your assets and business but also with respect to the lives of those that are making use of your facilities. Here are five ways to keep your Airbnb safe and secure, for your peace of mind and for your guests’ safety: 

1. Secure The Doors and The Units

Many hosts have experienced the dubious “joy” of being waking at strange hours to greet their guests and give them keys. This pleasure can be compounded when guests accidentally leave with the keys leaving hosts with a sense of vulnerability knowing that strangers have access to their valuable property. Enter a new innovation; the Airbnb integrated Bluetooth door lock. These smart home security devices allow you to create a one-time entry passcode, controlled access for defined periods or permanent access all controlled remotely via an integrated app. By utilizing Bluetooth technology, these ingenious gadgets are wifi-independent, and thus completely unhackable. 

2. Lights, Cameras, Action!

Ensure your lawns are well-lit at night. Dark corners and shadowy bushes give intruders the perfect hideout at night. No security measure is ever a total guarantee of safety, but the more deterrents you have in place, the less likely you are to have uninvited visitors. Choose your lighting with care to keep the aesthetics plea For example, garden walkways can be lit beautifully with fairy lights to illuminate trees and colored lamps around ponds and pools. 

3. Look at Your Surveillance Options

Mount security cameras in plain view for everyone to see. Cameras, even non-functioning dummy cameras, will deter any unwanted behavior from your guests or unwanted intruders. Place plenty of signage alerting people to comprehensive surveillance. This is a legal requirement and it will also help to inspire people to behave. 

 Safe And Sound - 5 Ways To Ensure Your Airbnb Property Is Secure

4. Identify Your Property’s Weak Points (and Secure them)

Typical weak points include entryways, like gates and perimeter security. Fencing is easily cut with wire cutters, so opt for walling or other solid materials, which can withstand heavy impacts and can’t be cut. 

Another typical weak point on most Airbnb properties is the garage. The garage is usually one of the easiest places through which to gain entry. Chances are, there are some tools and valuables in there. Garages are also the ideal ambush zones. As the host of the property, your safety is paramount. Avoid leaving your garage door open and upgrade to a Smart Garage Door Opener.

5. Choose Contractors with Care

Need some work done on the property? Choose your contractors with care. It goes without saying, but untracked foot traffic in your Airbnb can lead to missing items and vandalism. Your guests will want to feel secure and know they can leave their belongings on the premises without worrying. If you need to hire contractors for work on the property, hire via industry regulators or vetting bodies for builders, plumbers, electricians, and general contractors. 

Airbnb Security Can Be Straightforward

Remain aware of your Airbnb property’s perimeter, accessways, and weak points. Make sure your property is well-lit and advertise your security measures so passersby are aware of your protection. Remember, a well-secured property will help your guests feel safe and keep your insurance company happy, but most importantly, it will allow you to enjoy many safe and happy years in business. 

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