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Will Spring 2021 be the Time When Leisure Travel Sees a Significant Uplift? 

Will Spring 2021 be the Time When Leisure Travel Sees a Significant Uplift? 

Anna Shvets

Thanks to Covid-19, this summer was like no other. Some people were tentative about returning to the pub, while others couldn’t wait to hop on a plane. Everyone wanted to do what they were comfortable with. As time moves and society learn to live alongside the virus, it begs the question: what’s going to happen next? 

New Normal

Perhaps you’re sick of hearing the phrase ‘the new normal’ but it’s what life is going to be like for the foreseeable future. The measures and guidelines being put into place now are meant to work in the long-term so that people can live as normally and safely as they can. The travel industry plays a part in this. It’s slowly but surely beginning to open back up and is doing everything possible to ensure the safety of those going abroad. From the moment they arrive at the airport, to booking activities such as small group tours of Greece.

Safety Measures

Safety will remain a priority for travellers. Travelling by plane is the safest mode of public transport you can take during the coronavirus outbreak. The air is freshly filtered every three to five minutes. Passengers have to wear a mask for a duration of the flight. Rigorous cleaning was already in place, and this has increased since the virus. These protocols are expected to carry on into next year, and these measures aren’t putting people taking off trips. When asked in a recent survey, no respondents said they wouldn’t travel again. 

 Will Spring 2021 be the Time When Leisure Travel Sees a Significant Uplift? 

More Confident

In that same survey, a third of people said they were keen to travel this autumn and winter. Clearly, the industry is achieving its goal of putting people at ease when they go away. As time goes on it’s likely that even more people will be confident with their travelling and they’ll feel comfortable going on holiday like they normally would. A bonus for travelling in 2021 is that people could save money with cheap airline tickets – which provides extra incentive.

Going Forward

Come spring 2021, the world will have been dealing with the virus for a year. It’s expected there’s going to be a travel boom. People will want to make up for lost time and will have vouchers and travel credits they’ll need to use. There will be those who have grown in confidence, and those who are just desperate for a getaway. 46% of people plan to travel to Europe in the next 18 months. The world has been on pause and people can’t wait to fast forward.

The only guarantee about air travel over the next few months is that it’s going to be different from the usual. Do you have any travel plans lined up between now and next spring? 

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