During the latest edition of photokina, Relonch has unveiled the Relonch Camera, a camera case for iPhone that gives the opportunity to make magazine quality photos on an iPhone and to share them on the spot. iPhone is simply connected to Relonch Camera by Lightning without any hassles with settings, switching Wi-Fi or pairing Bluetooth. A single click on the shutter button and a fancy photo is ready to be shared in a social network and saved automatically to Camera Roll.
Relonch Camera gives such opportunity thanks to a simple connection with iPhone, a big APS-C-size sensor, a normal lens with large aperture and the unique image processing algorithm. There is no need to use any filters or additional editing. Relonch Camera creates Fancy Photos right away – photos with crisp lines of the main object, depth of field, blurred background, accents and balanced soft colors, shared on the spot.
Relonch Camera is available for Pre-Order starting September, 16 here with price of $499 USD.
all images and video courtesy of RELONCH