Renowned Japanese design studio nendo has created a snow motif cheesecake for Flanders, a firm based in Kushiro, Hokkaido, that specializes in manufacturing and selling of confectioneries.
Hokkaido is located in the north of Japan and is renowned for its dairy farming and the production of its milk and dairy products. Besides designing their first product, nendo was also commissioned to create the brand identity of the Japanese company.
The brand was named “N” taken from the word “north” and the logo was kept to a minimal with just a triangle that points to this direction reflecting the firm’s expertise in making confectioneries using the ingredients of Hokkaido.
A cheesecake was decided as the brand’s first product to be designed. When the box is opened a snowy landscape reminiscent of Hokkaido is presented, and when the tree is pulled out a cheesecake appears from beneath the snow.
The “snow” is made from icing sugar, and the “tree” can be picked up like a cocktail stick. The idea was inspired by the traditional techniques of the north that by storing vegetables and fruit in the snow a selfpreservation occurs that enhances sweetness intensity.
all images © Akihiro Yoshida